Monday, December 8, 2014

5 Things I Learned About Prophet Muhammad's Mosque in Medina

In addition to Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) favorite mountain in Medina, I got to visit the Prophet's mosque (al-Masjid al-Nabawi) during my trip to Medina.

Again, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but here is what I remember being told by my personal tour guide, an Islamic Studies professor at the university where I work.
  1. The mosque was destroyed by fire at one point.
  2. It was the first place in the region to have electricity.
  3. The current mosque is bigger than the original city! When you go inside, you can see where the original mosque stood. That area is covered with a different colored carpet and I remember people competing for space in that little area so that they could pray where the Prophet would.
  4. There was also a lot of people struggling with each other to get close to his tomb/grave that is inside the mosque (which some people want relocated). Many Muslims believe that the Prophet should not be idolized, and fear that too many people do idolize him. God should be the one you can't get enough of.
  5. The graveyard next to the mosque is the final resting place for important figures of the Shia sect of Islam.
In addition to these fun facts, I learned that it is really, really big. During the Friday prayer I witnessed, I estimate that half a million people were there (inside and outside in the area under the umbrellas). On top of that, it's incredibly beautiful and simply awe-inspiring. Lots of important history and attention to detail make this a must-see if you are ever in Saudi Arabia.

Some pictures I took...

Prophet Muhammad Mosque Medina

Prophet Muhammad Mosque Medina

Prophet Muhammad Mosque Medina

Prophet Muhammad Mosque Medina

Prophet Muhammad Mosque Medina

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