Happy International Day of Happiness to you.
On July 12, 2012, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 20 the International Day of Happiness. The goal of this day is to promote awareness of the fundamental human goals of happiness and well-being.
Bhutan, a country that has embraced the idea of Gross National Happiness over Gross National Product since the early 1970's, hosted the High Level Meeting aptly named "Happiness and Well-Being: Defining a New Economic Paradigm," where Secretary General Ban Ki-moon commented:
"The world needs a new economic paradigm that recognizes the parity between the three pillars of sustainable development. Social, economic, and environmental well-being are indivisible. Together they define gross global happiness.”
I couldn't agree more.
The United Nations invites people around the world, including Member States, regional and international NGOs, and individuals, to observe the International Day of Happiness through education and public awareness-raising activities.