Happy World Water Day to you.
Due to the intimate relationship between the two, this year's theme is "Water and Energy." Using World Water Day as a platform, the United Nations aims to bring attention to this interdependence, with a specific focus on the roughly one billion people around the world who live without adequate water and energy services.
Water and energy are vital to alleviating poverty. Worldwide, it is estimated that 768 million people lack proper water resources and 1.3 billion people have no access electricity. Providing them with these two very basic needs can improve their lives substantially.
World Water Day also aims to facilitate the transition to sustainable energy and water use in new green economies by identifying and promoting policies and best-practices that will lead the way. A more thorough understanding of this connection by leaders and those involved in the implementation of water and energy services will undoubtedly lead to improved efficiencies in their use.
You can't discuss water without discussing energy - and you can't discuss energy without discussing water. The two are so intimately linked, as one is always involved in the extraction, distribution, use, and/or disposal of the other.
Saving water saves energy - and saving energy saves water.
Happy World Water Day.