After yesterday's long post on the EU ETS, I'm keeping today's post much shorter for you guys...
Anyway, happy World Environment Day to all of you. This year's slogan is "Raise your voice, not the sea level" - a conspicuous reference to global warming/climate change.
After designating 2014 the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the United Nations decided this year's theme would reflect the issues facing small island developing states within the broader context of climate change. One of the UN's main objectives of the day is to enhance the public's understanding of the importance of protecting SIDS from growing risks and vulnerabilities, particularly sea level rise as a result of climate change.
The United Nations also hopes to use World Environment Day this year to raise awareness of the Third International Conference on SIDS, coming up in September 2014.
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 and is the United Nations’ go-to day for raising global environmental awareness. It also serves to encourage people to do something positive for the environment, with the hope that the sum of individual actions will lead to a larger positive impact on the planet. It has grown over the years to include stakeholders in over 100 countries.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it best: "Planet Earth is our shared island, let us join forces to protect it."
So let's take today to recognize the responsibility each of us has to care for the Earth and to become agents of change.
Oh, and one more thing: Happy Birthday Baba!